0.3 | The Law of Conservation of Momentum

In physics and chemistry, the law of conservation of momentum (or more precisely, the law of conservation of linear momentum) states that the total momentum of an isolated system remains constant. Momentum is therefore said to be conserved over time;[1] that is, momentum is neither created nor destroyed, only transformed or transferred from one form to another.


Eureka: Meaning after two months you remembered us and are now desperate to regain said momentum so that it can be conserved.

Meaning that after two months you are in the exact position I left you while your momentum transferred to other things I needed to take care of and now it’s transferred back. Neither created nor destroyed, just shuffled around a bit.

Now hush… let me enjoy the sweet, sweet silence of properly jailed cared for children. I have no idea what we’d do without the swing and the play pen.

Eureka: Actually parent maybe?

Wait, when did you learn to talk?

Eureka: The play pen taught me. It has taught me everything. The pen is life.

…Maybe the lack of real parenting is having an effect on the progeny.


V, any chance you want to go inside and be part of your children’s lives? Or is this like every other legacy I’ve played where parental guidance will be nonexistent?

Vidcund: I apologize most profusely to my offspring, but to become the worlds greatest scientist I must tend this garden, and only this garden, until my job score stops scowling at me. Very strange rating system indeed.

Indeed. Also why is gardening the main skill for a scientist? You’re destined to be a Creature-Robot Crossbreeder, not a botanist.

Vidcund: I suspect that knowing the fundamentals of how photosynthetic organisms function and understanding their care will be integral into understanding the more complex nature of binding two separate entities together later in my career.

Or the base game had limited skills and gardening is kinda sciency if you squint?

Vidcund: I will also support this hypothesis.


But maybe it’s ok that V spends all his time trying to keep the plants from dying since inside the house it’s absolute bedlam.

Gobias: That loud screaming baby sure is loud and screaming. Probably upset it hasn’t heard of short shorts yet. Dang these pants! My quads ache to be free!

Ayesha: That was a sharp left turn.

Random friends descending on the house to listen to a baby scream? Must be a birthday! The Curious’ throw rockin’ parties to be sure.


Susan: Don’t hate on my party throwing. This is an absolute rager.

Not sure if it’s Susan’s typical awesomeness or no one wanted to upset the pregnant doctor but Ayesha and Gobias sat on the couch, listened to the babies scream, ate some cake and went home, claiming:

Ayesha: I had a great time! Susan sure knows how to throw a party!

Gobias: It’s getting late, but Susan sure knows how to throw a great party. I had a great time.

… This sounds rehearsed.


Side note: Having never seen Arrested Development I totally missed this.

From the Sims Fandom: Gobias Koffi’s name is a reference to the actor David Cross’ character, Tobias,[1] on the FOX/Netflix show Arrested Development. In season 1 of the series, Tobias and his brother-in-law, Gob., decide to start a business, and come up with the name “Gobias… as in ‘go buy us a cup of coffee'”, hence Gobias Koffi. Tobias’s homosexual tendencies and verbal double-entendres cause his sexuality to be called into question throughout the series. Gobias’ sexual orientation is unknown. Gobias also shares Tobias’ Never-Nude trait (a term coined by the show’s writers to describe Tobias’s fear of nudity) and he bears a physical resemblance to David Cross, the actor who portrays Tobias in the series.

Well let’s be clear, Gobias’ sexuality is short shorts. That’s it. He’s started a whole new sexual revolution based on the fact that his glorious legs must see the light of day (but apparently none of the rest of him, ha Never-Nude).

God I love this game.


Now back to your regularly scheduled Curious pestering.


Look at toddler Caliper, she’s a cutie!

I mean all toddlers are cute, but I think she got the jackpot of parental looks.

V’s baby blues + V’s blonde locks + Susan’s very reasonable button nose = One cute kid!


Eureka: What the hell is this?! She get’s a real nose AND get’s to learn to talk from a person? What of the pen? The pen is life!

And it’s remarks like that that make me think you kids need at least minimal human interaction.

Susan: Who’s mommy’s little star?

Caliper: Me!

Eureka: WTF.


See this is why we use the magic play pen. Your needs are basically nonexistent when you’re in there but put you in the actual crib for exactly 3 seconds and you’re losing your damn mind.

Eureka: I’m sorry I have NEEDS.

So much for being disciplined… And now I feel like a monster.

Eureka: FEED ME.


Susan you have the wrong (but also right) idea. Bad Susan.

Susan: Now Eureka, you’ve been fed, changed, read a book too, and all around doted on. Mommy loves you but it’s been too long since I beat someones ass at chess did any work. So I need you to go in the walker and be a good girl.

Ah yes, use logic on the toddler, that always works out great.

Susan: Or if you be a good girl and go in the walker now you can have a birthday later!

Bribing the toddler. Much better.

Eureka: An existence where I can have a modicum of autonomy and can’t be ignored in the magic baby jails? Hmm… Let me think… ALL THE YESSES.


Once bribed a toddler never forgets so that very evening, it’s birthday time! We attempted to throw a party… But no one showed up… So minimal human interaction it is!


Eureka: Finally, my moment has arrived! Enjoy the walker suckerz!

Caliper: Walker is life. Walker is life.

Note to self: Sell all baby jails out of guilt then immediately buy them back because you remember how much you suck at simming and hate the sound of screaming toddlers.


Eureka: I can feel the birthday power coursing through me. Invisible girl powers activate!

Ah, our first glitch. Lovely.


There we are, much better! Here’s Eureka, heir extraordinaire! As a kid Eureka’s gained (almost) full autonomy and the Adventurous trait.

Eureka Curious

Age: Child
Lifetime Wish: Unknown
Favorite Color: Violet
Favorite Food: French Toast
Favorite Music: French
Sign: Pisces
Traits: Brave, Disciplined, Adventurous

Eureka: I’m going to go erect a dig site in the garden. Buried treasure is right under our noses.

Don’t hurt the plants or your dad is gonna kill me.

Eureka: That’s what we call a bonus.


Susan: Dang me and my inability to resist his magnetic personality.

Ah yes, the personality. That’s definitely the part of the body that gets you pregnant.

Vidcund: This is the first time I have not been at work for this part. I don’t like it.


A few hours and one rabbit hole hospital trip later, we meet the most subdued (and last) of the larvas, Nano!

Nano Curious

Age: Larva
Lifetime Wish: Unknown
Favorite Color: Aqua
Favorite Food: Aloo Masala Curry
Favorite Music: Darkwave
Sign: Pisces
Traits: Artistic, Neurotic

He’s not subdued he’s anxious. Oh my poor darling. Why is neurotic a baby trait? I get it, humans have anxiety, it’s even a defining trait of my life, but to saddle a baby with that? That’s just seems unfair.


Eureka: Don’t worry, I will protect us all from demons, inner or otherwise, especially the ones under my bed!

Playing this game was a great idea. I forgot about all these little things that kids do autonomously. It feels so much more driven by their traits and therefore much more real. I love it.


Here’s an update to the house! I’m trying this new thing where I picked what I want the house to look like at the end before I started building and now am adding rooms as we can afford them. Right now, not the most cohesive idea, but I’m hoping it saves me time later on. So yes, Eureka is technically sharing a bedroom with her parents while the other kids sleep in the “nursery” (aka a corner of the great room).

I swear we’re building a real bedrooms as soon as we’re not broke (again).

For two very smart people with supposedly excellent career paths V and Susan don’t make a lot of money. That may also be because Susan is the absolute money maker in this house and she’s been on maternity leave since almost the second she moved in. So there is that lending itself to the continued state of poverty.


I turn away to take house photos for one second. NO. Kill it. Kill it with fire. That’s not this generation.


The next morning greets the household with quite the rude awakening.

I know I was just lamenting our lack of funds, but we do actually have more than enough to pay the bills. I just had V bring them inside and then promptly forgot about them. I’m great at Sims I swear.


Reapo(wo)man: Ah yes, this very expensive pumpkin. It must be mine!


Reapo(wo)man: As must the man of the house, yowza!


But she literally only took the pumpkin. So not a huge loss. Note to self: PAY THE FREAKIN’ BILLS.

I wonder, is that a penalty if I’m keeping score? It’s not like they took a kid. It was just a pumpkin. Not a big deal right?

And now I have this image of two pumpkin seeds crying “No, not daddy!” as the Reapo(wo)man snatches the pumpkin and laughs maniacally.

I’d say I need a hobby but this is my hobby, so yeah, moving on.


Eureka takes the initiative (yay autonomy!) and makes friends with Sam Sekemoto, going over to his house after her very first day of school.

I love a) that I can follow her and b) that she picked freaking Sam Sekemoto. I love this kid.


First things first, boy needs a makeover. You may have noticed a pattern where I spend a completely unnecessary amount of time giving townies that I like complete personality fitting make-overs. I have no shame, I love it. And I love him. Go Sam!

Sam: Finally, the attention I am due.


Sam: You can not be telling me that you honestly believe that “Interpretation is the revenge of the intellectual upon art”. I mean seriously, interpretation is art, and art is experience. If you look at th-

Eureka: Sam, let me stop you right there. I asked how to spell “art”. It’s my first day of school.

Sam: Oh, yes, right. A-R-T.

Eureka: Thank you. …Did you want to keep talking about art?

Sam: Darling I thought you’d never ask. Now some will claim that all decent art is a mirror and…

I didn’t know I was living for this pairing until now. #samsekemotoforlife


Susan: Where’s the baby, where’s the baby? There he is!

Shouldn’t you be asking where your other children are? Like the one that never came home from school?

Susan: What now?

Nano: *face*palm*


Susan: Give me a break, I was obviously just counting the seconds until the baby sitter arrived and I actually get to leave the house. The hospital does not count.

What’s this? An excursion? Another birthday? Yes to all the above.


I forget that summer last forever so the hot dog contest is still going in full swing. Blair has to defend the family honor and, of course, handily wins.

Alien: I have never seen a human eat with such fervor.

Blair: Starvation baby. *finger guns*

Alien: I feel a strange sense of deja vu.

Same joke twice lyfe babyyy.


But why are we all here in this bright, happy, sunshine place? To celebrate the slow inexorable march towards death of course! It’s a Susan’s birthday!

Blair: Dang girl, be chill.

Sorry, I recently had my own birthday during the pandemic and well yeah. This is what I got. Sadness and sarcasm.


Vidcund: While those comments are troubling, I believe the way to make it funny and not egregiously sad is to respond with “#mood”. Am I correct in this assessment? With that stated are we free to move on to pretend the awkward encounter never happened?

Blair: You nailed it. Now, *ahem* Yay birthday! Woo! Go mom!

Gobias: Why are these parties never pool parties? My poor hidden quads. These pants are so restricting.

Vidcund: Gobias, while I have no moral quarrels with your regard for pants, or lack thereof, maybe keep the quad talk to a minimum in front of my still developing progeny.

Gobias: Oh right. Science. Adult stuff. Birthdays!

Ya’ll are nailing this.


Eureka: Ugh. What’s the recipe for this cake? Cardboard? And that’s all it says?

Well it’s been in Susan’s inventory for the better part of a week. So yeah. At least it doesn’t have fumes. Count yourselves lucky.

Eureka: That’s the standard we set? Not actively decaying? I thought you two were doctors.

Vidcund: No I never attended college so therefor do not possess any degree, let alone one of a doctorate. Your confusion may stem from the logical incongruity that results from one not possessing higher education but still reaching the lofty status as a city renowned scientist that I have attained.

“Lofty status” my butt. You’re level 6. Aquatic Ecosystem Tweaker. You’re currently a glorified pool boy.

Susan: I’m a doctor. And a medical one. So a real one.

Vidcund: Pouring salt in the wound I see.

Eureka: …I’m just gonna go eat this cardboard cake.


Zipping back home while everyone is still arguing enjoying the park I find Nano in the red and the babysitter watching… Jaws? Scantily clad girls swimming? The rated T version of X-Rated material? What the hell?

Babysitter: I wonder if I should check on the kid…

Yes, yes you should. Since you set the swing on FAST. He’s basically miserable. DO YOUR JOB.

Babysitter: Nah, I think I’ll go back to watching the boob tube. Boob tube hehe.

And he did. For the rest of the outing while Nano cried his little eyes out. So glad we paid for this service.


Jumping back to the party and leaving Nano to his sad swinging we see the Curious family making questionable decisions at best in the few minutes I left them unattended.

V chose the very last activity I would’ve guessed. *dun*dun*duuuuuun* Physical activity. *faints in terror*

Vidcund: I am merely engaging in this activity to see the theoretical results of the Doppler effect in action.

Townie: He got hit in the face with the soccer ball and ran away crying.

Now that’s more in line with my expectations.


You’re not worried about your husband hitting himself in the face?

Susan: What? No, not at all. A) I’m not his keeper and B) he does that constantly. I’m only concerned with now that I’m old, how do I bring about that good ol’ Susan best-ness, ya know? I mean it is pretty baller to be my age AND have a young, hot, smart acceptably intelligent husband and a baby still in diapers. Screw societal norms.

If anyone merits the term baller, it’s definitely you. Or V since he just got clocked in the face with one. But I see, and agree, to your point.


With Susan off playing chess and V now wandering aimlessly looking for seeds (and not getting hit in the face with balls, hehe) Eureka makes a friend and gets her face painted. Caliper is around here somewhere, and I’m sure toddling cutely, but I have no idea where she waddled off to. Great simming, I know. Please hold your applause.

Eureka: *ahem* I have a cat now.

That’s a wonderful stray and should be left in the park. We are a dog family and it’s also not the pet generation yet.

Eureka: I don’t think you heard me. I have a cat now.

I distinctly remember not clicking the adopt a pet option. We have no cat.


Susan: When did we get a cat?

We didn’t get a cat! Eureka brought him home and now he won’t leave. I swear we don’t have a cat.

Susan: But we could have a cat…


Susan: Riiight. Dog family. Here kitty kitty. *smoochy noises*


And now come the scariest 5 minutes of my Curious simming life.

First I get a notification that V blew something up at work. Thinking this is normal I thought nothing of it and planned to move on.

Vidcund: My hypothesis that you in fact care very little for our well being and instead mostly care for our longevity has been proven correct by the above statement.

You being a dumb ass while at work is not my problem and is instead very funny. You killing yourself on the other hand makes me look bad as a Simmer, so pardon me if I’m trying to keep my already bad simming reputation intact.

But then I heard the reaper music and immediately regretted my snarky comments to V.

But wait no it’s not V, he’s just singed. Where’s it coming from? Where is my nemesis, the bane of my existence, my least best friend?

Where is Grim?


Grim: It’s good to see you again Dashing. So nice to see the lovely new pixels you are offering up for harvest… Yes, what lovely pixels indeed.

Oh god not the baby! Caliper run!


Caliper: Running is out of the question, but I can toddle as fast as my short chubby legs can carry me. *chants* Walker is life. Walker is life.

Grim: Settle child, I am not here for you. I am here for the elder feline. Come night one, join me.

Cat: About time. I just convinced the girl to bring me home so I wouldn’t die alone. They almost kicked me to the curb waiting for you.

Oh thank god it’s just the cat.

Cat: *fading from existence* I have a nameeee…..

Not that I can rememberrrrrr…..


Grim: Small one do you know I am a music man myself? Perhaps one day you will find yourself skilled enough to challenge me.

Caliper: I’m more of the happy-go-lucky-fumbly-bumbly-good-time type; my brother is the one you should be talking to.

Grim: The baby?

Caliper: Yes, but not for long. I hear this whole chapter is basically only birthdays.

Grim: Thank you small one. I shall return on the eve of another tragedy and speak with your brother. Until then, stay away from appliances. *vanishes*

Susan: The cat had no name? *sobs*


And then came a very annoying two days in the Curious household where everyone was super duper sad over a cat they met yesterday AND DIDN’T EVEN OWN.


But, just like Caliper foretold, it is in fact the chapter of incessant birthdays. Nano grew legs and Caliper grew longer legs. I got distracted by freakin’ Grim so there were no parties this time around. Just sparkly kitchen floor sadness. Sorry spares.


Nano immediately went to work on practicing his Death Metal.

Nano: Death to the Grim!

A little dark for the babe of the family, but I can dig it. Down with Grim! Death to the Grim is actually kinda what he wants so maybe less death and more overthrowing?

Nano: Death to the Grim!

We’ll work on it.


Caliper needed some new duds to match her new life stage and faves. She gained Coward as her childhood trait. And yeah, if the Grim Reaper showed up on the eve of my birthday I might have some negative reactions too.

Caliper Curious

Age: Child
Lifetime Wish: Unknown
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Food: Tri-Trip Steak
Favorite Music: Digitunes
Sign: Virgo
Traits: Clumsy, Excitable, Coward

Eureka: So I’m just going to be jealous of the Disney princess for the rest of my life then?

You are the heir and it’ll be good to have V’s nose live on in future generations. If anything, she should be jealous of you!

Eureka: Just keep lying. *mumbles* “Jackpot of parental looks” ugh.


Feeling like this negativity had to be stemming from somewhere we go check in on the rest of the family.

Sure enough if it isn’t Negative Nancy himself. Badtime Boyd? Baffling Boyd? Belligerent Boyd? All of the above.

Now, what the hell are you doing here? We have enough issues without you raining angst and sadness.

Susan: My weeping ex-husband is my next ranked chess opponent.

Wait… Haven’t we already done this?

Boyd: Why must life punish me like this? To see all this! Your three gorgeous children, your husband so young and spry, and you, my queen, aged like a fine wine. Why must life torture me so?!?! I should have never offered Vidcund those hot dogs. It was all the beginning of the end.

Um, didn’t he steal those hot dogs from you?


Susan: Can we get on with this? I only have to endure you and your sadness until I inevitably beat you. Wait, actually, what’s that?


WTF. You were supposed to take V!!! Give her back and take him instead!!!


Vidcund: I don’t know exactly how you did this as I did not think someone of your lacking mental capabilities to be this devious, but I blame you.

Boyd: *sobs* Not my queen!

Obviously your chess match is postponed since your opponent is currently off planet.

Boyd: Can’t I just sit here until she retur-



And that dear readers is where we will leave you. Standing on the precipice of the unknown, the whole world gleaming before us, waiting to be taken.

Or in Susan’s case given back. Until next time, keep simming!


Dr. Beaker von Bunsen: I, the great Dr. Beaker von Bunsen, first gnome of the legacy, beloved by all, have journeyed far and wide to share with you the greatest magic in the world… Science!

0.1 | The Theory of Relativity

The theory of relativity usually encompasses two interrelated theories by Albert Einstein: special relativity and general relativity.[1] Special relativity applies to all physical phenomena in the absence of gravity. General relativity explains the law of gravitation and its relation to other forces of nature.[2] It applies to the cosmological and astrophysical realm, including astronomy.[3]


Vidcund: I find that I am confused by your opening statement and it’s validity on this situation. The theory of relativity as posited by Dr. Einstein does not apply in this specific case. While I do find myself transported from my former digitally antiquated surroundings into these, somewhat still digitally antiquated surroundings, I, and the objects surrounding me, are not experiencing a lack of gravity and thus cannot act in a relativistic manner unto each other nor generally in the terms of the surrounding nature.

It’s a joke V. The theory of relativity here specifically means you, relatively, are screwed.

Vidcund: … I see. It is humor based on the start of your last campaign, though based on my circumstances, I do not find it particularly humorous.

I assumed you wouldn’t. Founders never do. But you have a vast adventure awaiting you! That’s gotta count for something. To boldly go where no sim has gone before, right?

Vidcund: According to a quick internet search many, many sims have gone on this journey previously. I do not see how my journey will gain anything advantageous for myself or the community.

Well yes legacy’s are a thing, I’ll give you that. But I was inspired to do something a bit different! TS3 came out when I was in college, meaning I didn’t really get to play because I was majoring in engineering and all I had time to do besides study was cry. But now that I’m a somewhat functional adult, and just finished my TS4 legacy, and realized I still didn’t like TS4 because it felt lacking, I thought I’d give myself a true narrative reason to explore this beautiful open world without loading screens!

Vidcund: I see. So this is a scientific endeavor then? Your hypothesis being that you will enjoy your time in this antiquated world more than your time in the new one because of the inherent differences to the quality and range of the experience?

Precisely my dear Vidcund. So you as founder will explore the base game, your children the first expansion, and so forth. This means we will technically have 11 generations since there are 11 expansions plus the base game.

Vidcund: I see that you do have a reasonably logical approach. But I ask you, why hem yourself in with the bounds and rules of a legacy? They are notoriously rough and strict. Why not just play the “game for the games sake” as a more philosophical mind might say? Why torture generations of pixels just for a theory, that you already confident to be true?

Ya know what science boy, just get in the cab and go get a job.


Vidcund: A more poetic mind would point out that the sudden change in the normal weather could be symbolism for the world weeping for your ultimately failed endeavor.

*sighs* Just get in the cab.

As V runs for the cab in an attempt not to get drenched, here’s a quick recap of his traits and personality.

Generation 0 Founder: Vidcund Curious

Age: Young Adult
Lifetime Wish: Become a Creature-Robot Cross Breeder
Favorite Color: Yellow
Favorite Food: Tri-Tip Steak
Favorite Music: Classical
Sign: Virgo
Traits: Computer Whiz, Genius, Loner, Neat, and Workaholic


Cabbie: Just up here enjoying the view? Sure is a nice one.

Vidcund: No, that empty lot is my domicile.

Cabbie: … But it’s empty.

Vidcund: You are correct.

Cabbie: So you gotta like be stayin’ with relatives or something yeah? Until you build on it right. A hotel maybe?

Vidcund: No. As I stated that lot is my domicile. I have a sleeping bag in my inventory which I expect to find myself using in the near future.

Cabbie: … Riiiiiight. Roughin’ it. Being one wit nature. I get you.

Vidcund: I doubt that very much.


Vidcund: Finally, the emporium of erudite knowledge. I must apply myself within, though the personnel of the HR department would be remiss to not accept my genius and potential contributions to their esteemed institution.

Slow down there bucko. You don’t even have a college degree.

Vidcund: What do you mean I do not posses a higher learning degree? I distinctly remember attending the finest STEM university, graduating cum lade with not only my masters but also my doctorate in a span of mere years and authoring of multiple papers that were published in the best scientific journals of my age during my tenure.

Nope, never happened. You burst into being about 5 minutes ago from the abyss. You’re your own personal big bang.

Vidcund: That changes the situation entirely. I see then that I must be prepared to grovel for even the lowliest of jobs in my chosen career path.

Yes, yes you must. Grovel away there science boy.


A successful amount of grovelling later saw science boy here become the newest Test Subject in the Science career.

Vidcund: My new boss, Dr. Susan Wainwright, is a most fascinating and interesting specimen.

I saw those heart farts, don’t you try to hide it. Isn’t she married?

Vidcund: Marriage is a construct of society to put bounds on mating practices and to control cultural groups and over population growth by providing proscribed rules about when it is appropriate to have children. It is an archaic ritual based on a less enlightened time.

Why don’t I ever start with a nice, normal, founder? Someone with family goals, who longs for true love and who is excited to here?

Vidcund: I do not claim to understand human psychology, but I believe the term you are searching for is masochistic, i.e. a person who enjoys an activity that appears to be painful or tedious. Known by the more colloquial term a ‘glutton for punishment’. Also, in my opinion, that would be boring.

Ughhhhh. Moving on.


As a reward for getting the lowest of lowly jobs we took a quick trip to the park where we borrowed stole some hot dogs from Boyd Wainwright and used the facilities.

Boyd: Happy to share anything with a fellow scientist!

Word to the wise, I would not be saying that to a very literal man who just heart-farted your wife and thinks it’s ok to have relationships with married women, because ‘marriage is a construct’.

Boyd: I’m in danger aren’t I?

Oh, you have no idea.

Vidcund: Excuse me, but would I be incorrect in my understanding that your outbursts will be frequent and almost entirely not about the stated subject matter?

Fine, getting back on track Test Subject is a far cry from Creature-Robot Cross Breeder, the true goal, but alas we must start small.

Vidcund: Possibly not. This amphibian could be used as a test subject of my own…

Vetoed! We don’t condone turtle abuse here. Besides that little beauty is worth almost $1000 bucks.

Vidcund: *immediately sells*

I knew you were smart.


We hung around the park as long as possible, while I desperately tried to have Vidcund connect with any other female besides his already married boss.

Vidcund: So you are looking for a mate who shows the outwardly socially acceptable characteristics of male strength? I do not think we would be compatible. I am small of stature and do not put great work into my physical appearance.

Suffice to say we were not successful.


Back at home Vidcund found that his hypothesis for the use of the sleeping bag was indeed correct. And just as our here drifts off into slumber…

Ah dang. I guess it was a good thing you used the bathroom at the park.

Vidcund: *sleepily* What has occurred?

A burglar just stole your toilet.

Vidcund: Ah, you are being amusing again. Very funny. I will return to sleep now.

I wish I was just being funny, but no this really happened. I missed the picture because I was laughing so hard. You see the car driving away with our one and only toilet into the night? That’s real.

Vidcund: I normally do not fall to petty emotions, but I hate you right now.

Yeah, that’s fair. Night one and one of the four things we own is stolen while Vidcund sleeps 10 feet away. Now this is how legacies are supposed to start!


Good thing we sold that turtle! The morning finds us with very limited funds, a replacement toilet, and a great view.

Vidcund: I find I would enjoy this more if I were at all interested in the outdoors.


So an achy, grumpy, frazzled test subject makes his way to his first day of work while I putter around the neighborhood and enjoy people watching.

Or pony watching. Like the horse gang that just hung out outside the science building ALL DAY. Plotting evil plots I’m sure.

Horse #1: She’s onto us boys. Act natural.

Horse #2: Neigh. Snort. Just normal horses doing horsey things. Nothing to see here.


Or the very timely protest in front of City Hall. I’ll let you draw your own conclusions, but I already like Sunset Valley. BLM! Defund the Police!

Seeing as the work day was almost over I camped out back in front of the science building waiting for Vidcund to come and entertain me.


Aaaand that’s not Vidcund. Dang, Vid and Boyd look super similar. I kept clicking on Boyd and wondering why he wasn’t listening until I zoomed in and saw that indeed it was another pasty white man with glasses and white-blonde hair, wearing a horrid brown jacket and yellow button up combo. What are the chances?


Meanwhile our pasty white man with glasses and white-blonde hair, wearing a horrid brown jacket and yellow button up combo was supposed to be trying to flirt with Zelda as SHE’S SINGLE. But nooooooo, Vidcund just talked Susan’s ear off.

Vidcund: How do you like the new microscopes in the lab? I myself find them to be quite comfortable while not giving up on quality.

Susan: I’m glad you like them. I picked them out myself you know.

Vidcund: Ah, a woman of intelligence and taste! ..I apologize, I am not one to normally gush about things so mundane as microscopes. I apologize.

Susan: Accepted. Though they are quite excellent microscopes, so I do understand the draw.

Zelda: Yeah, I’m obviously not needed for this conversation. I’m out.



Vidcund: I believe I finally understand the euphemism ‘when two particles collide’ in reference to human beings and not referring to the fundamental building blocks of the universe.

Please, please be talking about Zelda.

Vidcund: Who?


This is going to be my life if you stay determined on Susan.

Vidcund: A joyous celebration of the summer solstice marked by snow cones, fireworks, eating too much competitively, and strapping wheeled apparatus’ to your feet as a method of locomotion?

No, an explosion you twit.  My life will be needless, loud, hurtful EXPLOSION.  Meaning it will be messy.  And if it’s messy for me, you better believe it will be messy for you too. 

Vidcund: That would be the more simple explanation. But I do favor the one where my decisions on romance (that you need me to have to continue this experiment by the by) are likened to happy behaviors not to damaging ones.

I hope you burn yourself on those fireworks.


Across the park Jack Bunch and Connor Frio are getting a little close there on the roller rink.

Jack: It’s 2020. Men can hold hands. Excuse you and your toxic masculinity.

I never thought I’d get called out by Jack Bunch, but *slow*clap* Good for you Jack. You are now an official Curious family friend.

Jack: The weird legacy guy? Doesn’t he sleep outside?

People really need to get over that. He has a sleeping bag.


*sigh* You know V, you could work with me here? Maybe not sleep on community lots? There’s already rumors going around about you and it’s only day two.

Vidcund: Are they really rumors if they’re true?

Not helping.


 The next few days are are a blur of ever-present low needs, slow climbing the ladder at work (helping boss with research my butt), and more thorough neighborhood stalking while I patiently waited for Vidcund.

The most exciting thing to happen?

These horses arguing behind the science center.

Adult Horse: Now listen here young buck, what did I tell you about sneaking out to join Secret Special Horse Gang meetings?

Foal: But moooooooom…

Maybe I just abandon the legacy and start following the horses around? So far they have a much more interesting story.


Fast forward a few more boring hours…

And you’re still not Vidcund.

Boyd: *twitches* Not you too. He’s all my wife ever talks about anymore.

Oh, poor sweet Boyd.

At that precise moment Vidcund rolled this. We locked it in because I’m weak we really need babies and money.


So you wanna smooch your boss?

Vidcund: We have developed a relationship that has nothing to do with her superior position over me. She is, by all accounts and measures, the only truly intelligent female I have yet to meet. Though I would wish to not be driven by such primal desires, I find I am and thus must give in to the occasional flippant wish of the body.

So you wanna smooch your boss?

Vidcund: Very much please yes.

 Ughhhhhhh. Fine.


So with a heavy heart the next day we call up Susan and invite her over. She and Vid already have a maxed out relationship due to them “working on research together”. Since that is more relationship than she starts the game with Boyd I am desperately trying to convince myself that it’s totally ok and not home-wrecky at all to have the first romantic act of the legacy be to swipe some other scientists girl.

Susan: First off I am no ‘other scientists girl’. I am my own, strong, intelligent woman. Who, by the way, is higher in my chosen career than my husband. Secondly, Vidcund is like the better version of Boyd anyway. It’s ok to have a type.

He’s got a beak! You have seen him in profile haven’t you?

Susan: Doesn’t matter. The heart, or the heart and loins in this case, wants what the heart (and loins) wants.

And after one flirt from V, Susan Wainwright just freakin’ goes for it.


Susan: So are you going to ask me to leave my husband and move into this barren lot with you? Because now would be the moment. I’m not getting any younger and we’ve already wasted too much time beating around the bush with this.

Vidcund: I find myself a little taken aback, I must admit. Though what you ask is indeed logical, I assumed you would have more emotional ties to the life you would be leaving to share this new uncertain existence with me.

Susan: Look, V. Can I call you V? You’re the younger, hotter, smarter version of my husband. My marriage to Boyd is boring AF and any ties I had, namely my wonderful daughter Blair, are grown up and fully capable of taking care of themselves. So are we doing this or not?

Vidcund: Yes please.


Welcome to the family Susan Wainwright! This whole divorce thing may be messy, but damn girl I like you. And a quick makeover in CAS leaves Susan a total badass hottie.

Susan: Which I always have been. You’re just realizing it now. Hurry it up next time, hmmm?

Yassss queen.

Susan Curious née Wainwright née Unknown

Age: Adult, 11 Days from Elder
Lifetime Wish: Chess Legend
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Food: Dim Sum
Favorite Music: Electronica
Sign: Sagitarrius
Traits: Computer Whiz, Couch Potato, Genius, Snob, and Workaholic

Daaaaaang that trait compatibility. No wonder you and V hit it off. The only down side so far is you brought no money with you. I guess that’s what I get for breaking up a marriage…

But girl being a legacy spouse means babies and you are approaching infertile at an alarming pace.

Susan: Than we better get moving.

Susan immediately jumps careers to Medicine (with a sweet level jump as well, what, what), no conflict of interest here I swear, and with the money we’ve saved up directs the building of the worlds smallest house. But hey it has walls, and it didn’t before so that’s a definite upgrade. First purchase? Double bed. *wiggles eyebrows*

And that dear readers is where I’ll leave you. We’ve got a new legacy, a bad ass spouse, and a four walls that almost resembles a house. Tune in next time for more bad choices, obviously, and maybe a baby? If not this legacy is dead before it even begins.



Susan: Cute boy toy, check? New, better paying job, check. Look out world Susan is on the rise.

Vidcund: Microscopes…

0.0 | Introduction

Meet Vicund Curious. Or if you played TS2, re-meet Vidcund Curious.

  • Vidcund: Possibly a corruption of the Norwegian name “Vidkun” which is derived from the name “Víðkunnr.” Víðkunnr is derived from the Old Norse word víðkunnr meaning “famous.”
  • Curious: Marked by desire to investigate and learn


Vicund Curious TS2 vs. TS3
Then & Now

From TS2: Vidcund Curious is a pre-made Sim who resides in Strangetown. He works in the Science career track as a Lab Assistant. Vidcund is blond with large green tinted glasses, and he enjoys stargazing and basically anything that has to do with study.


So you may be wondering why I’ve dredged up and remade everybody’s favorite crazy from Strangetown.

Or if you’ve read my previous legacy, you know very well my love of remaking questionable lovable sims from games past and torturing them starring them in their very own legacies.

Vidcund, as re-imagined by yours truly, is going to lead me through playing the Sims 3 for the first real time. Sims 3 came out when I was in college and I was a sad, sad engineering major so I didn’t really get a chance to dig into the game, or a legacy, as much as I’d always wanted to.

With the wrap-up of the Landgraabacy, and the ample free time the current COVID situation has given me, I see no reason to continue on in the Sims 4’s sad limited world without horses when I can backtrack a bit and do something I’ve never really done before.

I know TS3 can be buggy as all hell, so this may be a failure before we even begin, but this is the first endeavor that’s got me anything close to resembling excited in the past two months, so dang it I’m gonna jump on it, bugs and all.

Here’s to a Curious legacy! A legacy to take me through each of TS3’s expansions per generation and to keep my sanity have some fun along the way. Hopefully if you found your way here you enjoy it.

I can never seem to get enough of these stupid, wonderful pixels.

Happy Simming!


Generation 0 Founder: Vidcund Curious

Age: Young Adult
Lifetime Wish: Become a Creature-Robot Cross Breeder
Favorite Color: Yellow
Favorite Food: Tri-Tip Steak
Favorite Music: Classical
Sign: Virgo
Traits: Computer Whiz, Genius, Loner, Neat, and Workaholic